Episode 4: Aughavannagh, Co. Wicklow

Amongst the ancient fairy forts surrounding actor Eamon Morrissey’s cottage in Aughavannagh in Co. Wicklow, Manchán finds stories of the ancient fairy people who once inhabited the land and stories of the Irish rebels that later fought and died for it.

“Aghavannagh is the last place God made” – so goes local Wicklow proverb. Actor and Writer Eamon Morrissey’s charming cottage was built deep in the heart of Wicklow amongst the ancient fairy forts, over two hundred years ago. This mythical area was to become the heartland of Gaelic Ireland, long after other parts of the country had fallen to English rule. The Wicklow Mountains and valleys harboured many Irish rebels and were a maze from the point of view of the English soldiers. Through a major feat of engineering, the English built Military Road straight through this wilderness to quell Irish Rebellions here once and for all. The road stopped at Eamon’s cottage. Manchán is keen to uncover the ancient fairy myths that surround and protect Eamon’s cottage and whether the cottage harboured friend or foe.

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